Home The latest AU/NZ New Keep It Cool environmental not-for-profit launches in Jindabyne

New Keep It Cool environmental not-for-profit launches in Jindabyne

Keep It Cool - Photo credit: Boen Ferguson

A new environmental initiative has launched in the Snowy Mountains in New South Wales this week.

Keep It Cool has been founded by local videographer Lucas Wilkinson and is an environment focused not-for-profit. The goal of Keep It Cool is to plant trees to help draw-down carbon from the atmosphere and keep the planet cool.

The Keep It Cool initiative is committed to building a community of people who care about, and want to look after the great outdoors. Focusing on skiers, boarders, bikers, hikers and all outdoor and nature enthusiasts.

“Our underlying goal is to support all environmental initiatives that cross our path. And collaborate with organisations that share our vision” said Wilkinson in a press release this week.

“We want to help in every way we can. While building community relationships to work with leaders, the future leaders, and our communities to educate and inspire people to help make the planet a better place.”

The initiative is already working with public lands and private landholders to secure planting sites. These sites will be assessed by ecologists and then, working with the landholders, the team will plant mixed-growth, native species on the site. Resulting in a positive contribution to carbon draw-down, beautification and habitat creation for native fauna.

Keep It Cool is now encouraging community donations. Offering a direct cost-per-tree model for prospective donors, giving them the opportunity to donate to a direct-action environmental initiative that benefits the mountains and the local surrounding area.

The team is on track for their first planting in the spring of 2020.

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