Home The latest AU/NZ 6 ways skiers and boarders can give back during the Covid-19 crisis

6 ways skiers and boarders can give back during the Covid-19 crisis

Days aren’t easy right now for anyone and it can feel rather vacuous complaining about not being able to go skiing or snowboarding when others are losing their livelihoods or, worse, their lives.

Being kind, and in turn, giving, can help with your own emotional well being while you are helping others. It’s a win win.

We’ve already published ways you can help keep global snow tourism alive in our 11 ways to keep the snow dream alive post. Remember to reschedule, not cancel and buy gift certificates now for local restaurants and cafes and hotels, that can be used at a later date. This will help cash flow to continue.

But there are other ways we can help the broader community as well. Here’s six more.

Feed those who can’t feed themselves

Not everyone has the money to feed themselves, nor the transport to get to supermarkets to purchase food. For a while there, when they did get to the supermarkets there was nothing left to buy. In many places, that is still the case.

You can donate to FoodBank Australia where every dollar donated can provide six dollars worth of food for people in need. They are not accepting public food donations right now but they work with the food and grocery sector to get supplies to support charity partners to provide food relief to isolated communities.

Or volunteer for your local Meals on Wheels, they’re adapting the way they deliver meals to the elderly and vulnerable, in line with Covid-19 measures. Many volunteers are older and may not be able to volunteer at this time, so more hands on deck are needed.


We love Givit, it’s such a simple concept. Charity organisations list items required by those in need and Givit donors either give the item or the money for that item. You can donate her and 100% of funds are used to purchase essential items for families who have lost their incomes and more during this time.

Domestic abuse and violence charities

We all know lockdown, shut down, isolation or quarantine can be hell. But it is nothing compared to the hell those in abusive and violent relationships will endure during these months. Some may even lose their lives at the hands of those they are isolated with. Let’s do whatever we can to ensure this doesn’t happen. Now is the time to be donating the cost of a lift pass to domestic abuse and violence organisations. Try Rize Up, White Ribbon and Friends with Dignity to start.

Sew scrub caps

We have some RN nurses in our #showusdagirls group who are requesting scrub caps, preferably made with ski or snow inspiring fabric print to keep spirits up. Emergency departments are apparently critically low on these caps. You can join our group to obtain patterns for sewing and connect with the nurses requesting them.

Donate blood

Buy a healthcare worker a coffee

Those in Sydney can donate the cost of a coffee to the Buy Them a Coffee fund, providing coffee, snacks and sustenance to healthcare workers across the city.

Better yet, you can “Adopt a Healthcare Worker” in your region. Just search for Facebook Groups named Adopt a Healthcare Worker and you’ll find one come up in your region. Join and then respond to callouts for accommodation, food, transport and more. 

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