Home The latest AU/NZ New GoSnow meet up app for skiers and boarders

New GoSnow meet up app for skiers and boarders

Aussie Entrepreneur Launches GoSnow, The World’s First Platform For Skiers & Snowboarders Worldwide To Meet Up & Plan Trips.

GoSnow is a world first and innovative new concept for skiers and snowboarders that has already exceeded prelaunch expectations rapidly gaining an impressive social following of over 20,000 (Facebook/gosnowapp), and the developers are expecting record downloads at launch.

The app is founded by Aussie Snowboarder and Entrepreneur Sean Bellerby who believes that skiing and snowboarding is a surefire way to explore life’s amazing possibilities, announces its product launch, aiming to inspire every human worldwide to ride more, to experience more, and to live more through skiing and snowboarding.

“The idea for GoSnow came solely from a place of inspiring people to ride more, to experience more, and to live with more awesomeness!” says Bellerby about creating the product.

The mobile app intuitively connects skiers and snowboarders who are in the same area, or planning a trip to a similar destination. It creates opportunities for people to ride more, to socialise more, and to have more fun both on and off the snow.

Sean Bellerby is a seasoned software executive and snowboard instructor who realised that a lot of the time people don’t go on ski trips they’d love to go on because the people they know can’t go for reasons such as work, family, or other personal commitments. GoSnow removes these barriers, opening up a network of other passionate skiers and snowboarders, and creating opportunities for people to go (and do what they love whenever they like).

Fuelled by a new liquidity of social connection (call it Tinderization), and the new mindset this has engendered, in 2015 consumers will embrace innovative new ways to connect in community with other likeminded peers.

People are social animals and will forever enjoy coming together, making connections, collaborating, and sharing experiences. Skiers and Snowboarders, a highly engaged and passionate group are no different, and GoSnow is well positioned to help consumers take full advantage of this trend.

GoSnow will be available on the app store on Friday the 22nd of May 2015.



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