Home athletes Aussie Pros Olympic fever spotlight on Sami Kennedy Sim

Olympic fever spotlight on Sami Kennedy Sim

Australia’s Winter Olympians peel back for SnowsBest while everyone else is getting hot and sweaty over in Rio.

First up? Five minutes with Ski Cross Winter Olympian Sami Kennedy Sim who competed at Sochi 2014.

Do you remember the day you were told you were in the Olympic team?

I was at the A.I.S European training centre in Italy with my teammates. I was excited, filled with relief, pride and celebrated with a cappuccino and a pizza.

Was there ever a time you thought you wouldn’t make it to the Olympics?

April 11, 2013. 10 months before Sochi. I had a small knee operation and had a blood clot make its way to my brain. My stroke was minor, but was enough to shake up my Olympic preparations and for me to entertain the idea that my Olympic Dream would never be. It didn’t last long though. I was back at it in no time and proud to be in me Olympic jacket in Russia.

Do you hope to compete in Korea in 2018?

Sure do. Time to learn from my past experience and grab a medal in Korea.

Do you work full time or have another profession outside of athlete?

I juggle a few roles. Full time athlete, personal trainer and I also work full time from June to late September as the administrator for the New South Wales Institute of Sport.

What sacrifices have you made to follow your Olympic dream/passion?

I don’t think of any of the things that I alter to prioritise my Olympic Dream are sacrifices. They just all are juggled around my training and competition. The toughest yet most rewarding thing is my relationship.(Lucky I married a Winter Olympian… Ben is so supportive of me and my dreams)

What is it about the Olympics that is so great?

I love getting to compete and network with all the other athletes from other sports. The people you meet are incredible and everyone has such an amazing story.

Do you think the Olympics is greater than FIS World Championships, X Games, Dew Tour et al?

That is a tough one. They are all different to each other. The Olympics is one event that happens every four years. It is often the only time our sports are showcased in the media. It is a special event, the Olympics, because everything has to go right for you on that day, hour, minute- once in four years.

For you personally, what is considered your pinnacle?

Olympics are special to me because I grew up with so many heroes achieving great things at an Olympic level. In saying that, I would love to be in contention for the FIS World Cup over all winner. World champion would feel pretty amazing too!!!

What advice would you give to the 8 year old you?

Don’t listen to those who tell you you can’t. Show yourself that you can, and that you are the only one who can dictate where this crazy life may take you!

What advice would you give to anyone wanting to become a Winter Olympian in Australia?

If you are looking for an ‘easy way in’ then you came to the wrong place. Aussie winter Olympians are fierce, versatile and determined. Keep your eyes on your goals and work your butt off. Only you can get yourself where you want to go.

Follow Sami on her social media channels

Twitter/Instagram @samikennedysim @teamsamiaus
Web: Samikennedysim.com
Snap: samisx


  1. Love ya work Sami. You’re an awesome skier and a fab ambassador for the Stroke Foundation. The helmet sticker worked a treat!


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