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Improve your ski/board ability in a millisecond with AI snow simulator

AI photo manipulation has entered the snow arena thanks to Snomad.Ski who have created the AI Skier Generator and we are so here for it.

Simply upload a photo of yourself and then choose how you want to look – pro-skier, jerry-skier, park rat and so on and voila, out pops an AI generated version of you.

It’s all a bit of fun that over 75,000 skiers have used since launch early this year. Even pro skiers are getting in on the action. Kelly Sildaru, Sarah Höfflin and three times X Games gold medalist Andri Ragettli have all created an AI avatar via the app.

Of course we put ourselves (yes I am referring to myself in both third person and with the royal plural we) through the AI Skier Generator and apart from looking 30 hundred years younger, and blonde, we were impressed to see ourselves capable of such park skiing prowess.

I mean, who needs poles, right?

Miss Snow It All turning back the years and upskilling her terrain park prowess with AI.

I’ve also always wanted to snowboard but haven’t had a spare 7 days on my arse needed to get the skill set together to get down a mountain like a falling leaf.

So, voila, enter AI and I’m not just a snowboarder but an Olympian too. Always knew I had it in me.

Also, clearly I’ve been hitting the Ozempic, ‘cos I haven’t fit into those ski pants since 1937.

But we really really need to discuss the boots.

And one more for good measure, just because you know, those blond highlights and that model stare and oversized ski boots and tiny hands. Damn I look good.

Dan Lever, founder of SNOMAD said: “What started as a fun project for our users quickly and unexpectedly snowballed into thousands upon thousands of new website visitors, after pro skiers jumped in on the action and started sharing their images on social platforms. Very quickly, we had to scale up our servers to cope with the extra traffic to the website.”

Go on, you know you want to. 

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