Australia’s first dedicated alpine accommodation for people with a disability and athlete training base has been formally opened at Falls Creek by Danielle Green MP, Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism, Major Events and Regional Victoria.

YMCA Victoria in partnership with the Victorian Government and Disabled Wintersport Australia opened the $3.79 million Howmans Gap Alpine Accessible Accommodation Centre which will allow all-abilities winter sports athletes to hone their skills on some of Victoria’s best slopes.

The 36 bed facility opens up new sporting pathways for people of all abilities that love their winter sports. It will be a modern athlete training base to develop future winter Paralympic stars such as 2018 Winter Paralympian co-captains and DWA ambassadors, Joany Badenhorst, Mitch Gourley along with Mark Soyer.

“This is more than just beds and recreation in a stunning location, this is an opportunity for us to change our practices and mindset with the whole community and all abilities in mind.” YMCA Victoria CEO MrBurns said.

“We are incredibly proud to be part of this nationally significant initiative to create more accessible, more inclusive and more innovative services so everyone can hit the slopes.” Burns said.

The new facility will also open more doors for more people with a disability to participate in Disabled Wintersport Australia’s fun snow sports programs.

Disabled Wintersport Australia President, Paul Lamb is excited about what the new facility can offer its members.

“It allows us to serve unmet demand in our disability programs with accessible accommodation,” Hesaid.


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