The weather gurus were calling it last week, with some predicting up to 80 centimeters for this week’s storm. With 24 hours to go until the first rumblings of the blizzard take effect, what are the experts saying now?
There has been a slight downgrade in predictions since the last forecast four days ago for snow fall accumulations for this coming week. But don’t despair many are still predicting up to half a meter.

Jane’s Weather has gone from 40 to 80 cm forecast to 30 to 50cms which is a bummer for those of us erring on the side of snow glass half full. Don’t shoot the messenger, the weather is a changeable beast.
“The next system should be a big one” writes Jane Bunn on her weather site. “A complex area of low pressure, takes from Monday to Thursday to pass to our south. It starts slowly on Monday (when its not as cold, snow above about 1600 metres), then the big days are Tuesday and Wednesday, with snow down to 1200 metres, and it eases on Thursday.
Its wrap around, and a westerly airflow, bringing 30 to 50 cm of snow from Monday to Thursday.
The low moves away on Thursday as the next high comes in. The next system may arrive next weekend.”
Though she’s calling Mt Buller to get the most snow out of the Victoria resorts.
Pete Taylor at is sticking to his original forecast earlier last week. Though he has increased the maximum potential total from 36cms to 40cms. We’ll take that as a win.

The Bureau of Meteorology is calling for snow at 1800 meters on Monday dropping to 1400 meters on Tuesday for the New South Wales Snowy Mountains and snow showers from Monday to Saturday in Victoria with winds picking up from Thursday.

Now it’s just a matter of time. Not a lot of time thankfully, I am more instant rather than long term gratification myself. Let’s hope the storm under promises and over delivers and that we’ll be waking up to social news feeds filled with parked cars buried in snow, face shots in powder and big fat fluffy flakes that just won’t stop falling from the sky.