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Mental Health

Keeping mentally healthy while living in a ski town or on the holiday road is just as important as being physically fit. We’ve curated all our mental health content here, to help you get through.

Jackson Hole mindful camp to make you a better skier or...

Jackson Hole just upped the ante on their already rocking multi day ski and snowboard camps. For many mindfulness isn't new and the need...

Adrenaline, depression and death in the snow world

Hilaree Nelson (nee O'Neill) and Mike Douglas know first hand the impact of adrenal highs and lows, death and grief in the world of the extreme...

When snowboarding gets you through the tough times

How snowboarding got one transgender woman through the toughest times of her life. Dale Sheridan shares her story with SnowsBest.com. Throughout the 34 years of my life,...

How to use skiing/boarding to improve life resilience in 2020

As a skier or snowboarder, you have an advantage during this pandemic time. Plenty of people avoid the discomfort that comes with uncertainty, risk...

Belle Brockhoff and Andrew Wishart at Mt Buller for beyondblue

Olympic snowboarder and beyondblue Ambassador Belle Brockhoff will be raising awareness of depression and anxiety at Mt Buller on Saturday August 8, as part...

Beating the Colorado blues

A tale of sitting still and finding Joy while travelling round the world It's 4.00am and I'm battling the desire to fully awaken. My body is...

Finding your purpose in skiing and snowboarding

No, I haven't gone all religious and, no, the Mormons haven't got me since moving to Utah. I did, however, spend the day recently...

Jindabyne anti violence campaign launches for après ski season

If you feel unsafe during après on snow holiday in Jindabyne this season then know the bar tenders have got your back. The New South...

R U SNOWKAY? Mental health conversations we need to have

One day in April back in 2017 I lay on my couch in the shiny ski town of Park City in Utah and wondered...

How skiing and snowboarding brings mindful life moments

“I am so happy”. Four words I haven’t said much in 2021. Words reserved only for intimate moments with those who move my soul, in...

Mick Fanning & Owen Wright release mental health video


What does being female in the snow industry mean to you?

NATALIA HAWK. Skier. Snow content producer.  I GREW UP an anxious kid, in a time where anxiety didn’t really exist. I wasn’t sporty, and most sports...

Why emotional health is as important as physical when skiing or...

Never underestimate the power of emotional fortitude on a ski hill. Why you should adapt your skiing to your emotional state. Today I skied with...

How Olympic medalist freeskier Gus Kenworthy has redefined ‘gay’

You can smell the male teenage testosterone long before you witness it in action at any ski resort terrain park. Rich white boys dressed...

When ski town life leads to depression or worse

Few in search of paradise in ski towns think they will, instead, find the black dog lurking in the woods waiting to pounce and...

The meaning of life is skiing or snowboarding

If you ski or snowboard then you know that moment when your body is in rhythm with the earth, and you dance with nature...