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Mental Health

Keeping mentally healthy while living in a ski town or on the holiday road is just as important as being physically fit. We’ve curated all our mental health content here, to help you get through.

When girls aren’t pretty or thin enough to ski or snowboard

WHEN I was five I did ballet in the local church hall. I would dress up in my blush pinks and pirouette with what...

R U SNOWKAY? Mental health conversations we need to have

One day in April back in 2017 I lay on my couch in the shiny ski town of Park City in Utah and wondered...

R U OK in a year that is anything but? A...

Like everything in 2020, this article has taken five times longer than it should have to be written. Pandemic paralysis has shot my productivity into...

Are we really surprised by the cocaine epidemic in ski towns?

If you think ski towns are class A drug free then you're clearly living in la la land and not in the ski towns...

Adrenaline, depression and death in the snow world

Hilaree Nelson (nee O'Neill) and Mike Douglas know first hand the impact of adrenal highs and lows, death and grief in the world of the extreme...

When skiing starts with joy and ends with alcohol addiction

The pure joy that skiing brings is a powerful force, calling people to travel thousands of miles from home to experience that perfect turn....

How skiing can make you a better leader in the workplace

It’s my first week back at the office after some rest and relaxation from a three-week skiing vacation. In between gliding through groomers, dodging trees...

What does being female in the snow industry mean to you?

NATALIA HAWK. Skier. Snow content producer.  I GREW UP an anxious kid, in a time where anxiety didn’t really exist. I wasn’t sporty, and most sports...

The seasonal struggle is real and how to combat the blues

Before I worked in ski resorts, I was a tourist in ski resorts. I saved for my ski holidays for ages. I had a...

Why emotional health is as important as physical when skiing or...

Never underestimate the power of emotional fortitude on a ski hill. Why you should adapt your skiing to your emotional state. Today I skied with...

Knowing when to stop skiing and snowboarding to save yourself

I'm tired. Scratch that. Exhausted. So exhausted my bones are crying. Not just my bones either, I literally sobbed into a drip filter coffee...

Meditate, snowboard or sex?

Phil Watt reveals why skiing and snowboarding is as good for you as both meditation and sex. Regardless if we board or ski, there are...

After the snow has gone – when the season ends

When I was little I used to act. Some would say I still do. Every year I would audition for the school play or...

Peter and Peta Pan are alive in a ski town near...

If you're single and spent time in a ski town then chances are you have met Peter/Peta Pan. But then, who wouldn't want to live...

Finding your purpose in skiing and snowboarding

No, I haven't gone all religious and, no, the Mormons haven't got me since moving to Utah. I did, however, spend the day recently...

Vail Resorts $2million mental health support for ski communities

Regular readers will know we are huge advocates of mental health support for ski towns and regularly write about the risks of depression for...