
One man’s hilarious wrestling match with his ski boots

I watched my Dad putting on ski boots for the first time in decades while on holiday in Italy in February. The toll on...

Five things guaranteed to happen this Australian ski season

With a month to go until ski and snowboard season in Australia, forecasters are making stabs in the dark about the winter snow falls...

Celebrate your inner Jerry and live to ski another day laughing

I am wearing a pair of pants this season that on anyone else would spell style and technical chic but on me just spell...

Knowing when to stop skiing and snowboarding to save yourself

I'm tired. Scratch that. Exhausted. So exhausted my bones are crying. Not just my bones either, I literally sobbed into a drip filter coffee...

21 things snowboard instructors really really don’t want you to do

The life of a snowboard instructor is a fun one, but it comes with its own challenges and most of those challenges are predictably,...

11 step survival guide to northern season without skiing or boarding

Maybe you were trying to save money. Maybe you didn't have enough annual leave. Maybe, in a fit of goodwill, you agreed to go...

Steamboat and Snowbird trash talk each other on twitter and it’s...

Who wins when two of the world's most famed resorts go head to head on social media? The reader, that's who.  When cross state snow...

Eat a dick, comments from my readers – a life lived...

Dear readers, beware, this blog post comes with profanities and a shi*&%t load of humour, or not. You have been warned. It's been a hell...

How to get your lover into skiing or boarding (without breaking...

Skiers and snowboarders are a rare breed of people. We like to spend all our money on holidays in cold, cold places, all for...

What I wish I knew before I became a snowboard instructor

If you've ever thought, "I want to become a snowboard instructor" it's probably because you imagine powder riding every day and partying every night....

I skied Japan before you did, no really, I did

After 10 days skiing in Japan for the first time in almost a decade, one thing has become obvious. Everyone skied Japan before I...

10 Signs You’re an Aussie Skier/Boarder Abroad

It's no secret that us Aussies love our snow sports and will travel far and wide to do it. You'll find us swamping Japan...

8 things you didn’t know about MissSnowItAll

Am I really going to write about myself in third person? God, no. Here's 7 things you didn't know about MissSnowItAll, oops, I mean,...

That one time I taught the British army to snowboard

I was recently invited to Austria for two weeks with the British Army to teach them how to snowboard. I can only assume in...

First world instructor problems

Aaaah, ski and snowboard instructing. One minute you’re taking #myoffice selfies to post on Instagram on a stunning day and feeling smugger than a cat...

Lost in ski instruction translation

When English isn't English and left means right - oh, The joy of teaching humans how to slide on snow. Rhi Evans is back...